Here’s a Company Figuring Out How a Storable Product Can Deliver Diverse, Nutrient-Cycling Microbes

We recently became acquainted with some folks in Alabama who are showing it’s possible to deliver impressive soil microbes through a dried, storable product.

CHONEX, Inc., has been working with the larvae of black soldier flies, a popular resource for making highly-quality compost and protein-rich animal food. The folks at CHONEX combine the larvae with chicken manure to produce livestock feed, while also making an organic soil conditioner and fertilizer. Because the larvae eat all kinds of things, CHONEX is helping to answer the growing need in agriculture (not to mention lots of other industries) for a sustainable means of waste disposal.


A New Searchable Directory Focuses on Women Innovators in AgriFoodTech


A Birmingham-based Agribusiness Venture Selected for a Missouri-based Startup Competition.